Only through your efforts can we achieve our mission of targeting hunger to serve and educate through community partnerships. We need volunteers every day to help sort and pack food donations, distribute meals for hungry children, as well as assist with special events and administrative support. When you donate your time to Second Harvest Food Bank of Champaign, Clark, and Logan Counties (CCL), you become a partner in the fight against hunger in Southwest Ohio.
Second Harvest Food Bank CCL will begin accepting a limited number of volunteers in critical areas.
For our available volunteer hours or to receive email updates about upcoming volunteer opportunities, please contact our Volunteer Specialist at (937) 325-8715 ext. 115 or email: volunteer@theshfb.org.
For individual volunteers, please fill out our Volunteer Application and email it to volunteer@theshfb.org. The Volunteer Specialist will be in touch regarding next steps.
For group volunteers, please use the button below to email our Volunteer Specialist regarding your volunteer inquiry.
Minimum Age Requirement for all volunteer opportunities is 10 years old. If you are under the age of 15 then you must be accompanied by a parent/guardian during your service.
Essential Reminders:
You must be 18 years of age to be a home delivery assistant.
Please wear gloves before touching anything in the Warehouse. This will prevent injuries and food particles from touching your skin.
Must wear close-toed shoes.
Arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time.

Fundraising Events
Empty Bowls is a fundraiser for Second Harvest Food Bank and its member agencies in realizing our missions of eliminating food insecurities in Clark, Champaign, and Logan Counties, Ohio. Food insecurity remains high in our communities despite improvement in our local economies. The combined food insecurity rate for our three counties is only slightly lower (14%) when compared to the Ohio rate (16%) and slightly higher than the national rate (13.4%). Hunger among children is even more alarming. Ohio ranks 15th nationally with the highest food insecurity rates for children at 21.9%. In our own backyards, with a child food insecurity rate of 22.3%, nearly one in four children faces an empty bowl on a regular basis.
We can do better.
The Second Harvest Food Bank Empty Bowl events raise money locally so that we can address food insecurity locally. Local artisans (Scott Dooley, Matt Johnson, Sandy Winter, Bruce Grimes, Thelma Matthews and The Cracked Pot Studio potters) donate handmade bowls. Local school art departments (Wittenberg, Springfield High School, Graham Local Middle School, and Bellefontaine High School) have their students create and donate bowls. Local restaurants and bakeries donate gallons of soups and hundreds of loaves of bread to these events (click here to see which of your favorites are on the menus). Hundreds of people volunteer on event nights and hundreds of people show up to enjoy great food and fellowship. But it’s still not enough. Bowls are still empty, children are still hungry.
Become part of the local solution to End Hunger.
Sponsor one (or more!) of our Empty Bowls events, there’s a level to fit every budget, sponsorship forms available below.
Attend the Empty Bowls event in your county (or come to all three!)
Donate, suggested contributions are $20 per bowl–start or add to your collection
Bring your friends and family, it’s going to take all of us to fill the bowls.

Tell Ohio’s elected officials to support funding for Ohio’s foodbanks
The Ohio Association of Foodbanks and its statewide hunger relief network are seeking $30 million per year in the 2020-2021 state budget to support A Comprehensive Approach to Hunger Relief. By investing modestly up-front in access to nutritious, wholesome food, we can reduce health care costs and improve educational outcomes and worker productivity in the long-run. Add your name to our petition for state funding to fight hunger. Thank you for your support!
Start with Advocacy 101
Every organization and individual can make important contributions by being advocates. Advocacy doesn’t have to be a scary word! Watch this 15-minute video to learn the basics of advocating for programs and policies that help people in need.
Sign up and Take Action
Important policy decisions are being made that impact Ohio’s most vulnerable populations. We have the opportunity to take action. Find your elected officials and contact them to voice your concerns. Be informed of critical issues by signing up for action alerts or view past action alerts.